Monday, July 28, 2014

Wooden Post - Watercolor and Digital

This painting (4x8) started off as a wet on wet watercolor which gave me a mottled underpainting of tones and colors - - this also helps to "get rid" of the white of the paper.  After everything dried, I drew over the top using watercolor pencils to create the textures, cracks, etc. to complete the wooden post (middle photo).  Using my camera and computer I brought the painting in to Photoshop where I started off by painting a soft background (third photo).  I then proceeded to add additional plants, grass, and sticks to fill in some of the area around the post (first photo).  As you can see, the original watercolor remained unchanged throughout the digital work.  Combining the three different methods to create this piece proved to be very enjoyable and something that I will certainly explore again.

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