Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Watercolor WIP

As I mentioned before, I am in the process of teaching myself how to paint with watercolors.  The painting above is one that I did after watching a YouTube video by Grant Fuller.  There is very little info on colors or techniques, but just watching him paint was enough to make me want to give it a try.  It goes without saying that my version hardly come close to matching his quality.  I did change a few things intentionally.  His appears to be a wet, sandy beach with waves off to the right.  I attempted to turn it into a pond with a fallow field off to the right.  My intention all along was/is to add a silhouette of a single rowing shell with a rower/person in the right foreground.  If I pull it off, I will post an update - - if not, the painting may end up in the shredder.  I'm very pleased with how it has come out so far - - and more than a little nervous about trying to "add" to it.

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